Genealogy of the Bryan and Martin Families

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Parish Records from France
Marriage record of Pierre Martin and Michele Coupé
Page 90 of 5MI5211
Notes on translation: Tuesday the 12th of July 1689 after the publication of banns [two unclear words] Pierre Martin locksmith ... widower of Jeanne Chauvin age 26 and Marie Charpentier daughter of [? smudged; must be 'Claude'] Charpentier ... [six words I can't make out] and of Magdeleine [surname very unclear - looks like 'donfeüil' - first letter is not a capital 'd' but could be some other letter] ... father and mother, age 22, ... attending at the [celebration?] of the marriage ... of the ... Marie-Michelle Coupé [a relative of Pierre's first wife?], Jacques Martin ... Claude [Chauviet?], [maybe 'brother of Jeanne' the first wife'?], Jean [surname unclear] brother-in-law of [? name unclear], damoiselle Marie Gittoy [Gitton?] the godmother [of whom? probably the bride] ... Marie-Magdeleine ['donfeüil' again] the mother, Jacques ['donfeüil' again but here it is even less clear] her uncle, [another name beginning with M], Jean [Chaudry?] also her uncle, [cannot be Chauvin here], Mathieu [3 more unclear words], Marie-Anne Charpentier [2 more unclear words], [another Charpentier, possibly 'Marie-Renée], Gabriel C? [short name, not Chauvin] de [Religny? this is a surname, also a town in the Champagne], [several more unclear words, then what looks like 'Marié' - means "married" but that would not be capitalized], signed with me [that is, the priest] ... Jacques Martin [two more unclear words, and 'Marié' again], also many [then another unclear name], Michelle Coupé, Claude [Chauviet?], Magdeleine ['donfeüil' again], Jacques ['donfeüil' again], Jean [Chaudoy?]" - these are not signatures, but in the priest's handwriting. Then some actual signatures: "Gabriel [illegible], Marie Gitton [very legible], Thoulouze? [surname illegible], Jacques Martin, Jean Chauviet [very legible; not Chauvin], Marie Anne Charpentier, Jean Poirrier [or Porrier], Pierre Martin, Marie Charpentier, family of..."

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